Wild Talents: Yours to Command [Day 6 of 6]

Command is the Strength of Person, not only how well you project your presence, but how well you resist the presence of
delta green—the black company—godlike—and more
Command is the Strength of Person, not only how well you project your presence, but how well you resist the presence of
Charm is a bit less effective with extras than the previous stats, as the rules for Charm are rather bland (even non-existent).
If you saw the previously posted character, Augur, you’ll have already seen the real power of expanding the Sense stat by adding
Coordination lacks the charts of Body, so a lot of options that Body has, simply don’t seem to apply towards Coordination, such
Last week was all about character ideas based on our current group. This week I would like to address the possibility of
One of the more confusing factors of the game is, how to pay for boosts to Stats, and how that works. This