Wild Talents: Seraphim – An Alternate Form. [5 of 6]

Some things are just too expensive, and the only plausible way to take them is by powering them down with flaws, and some of those flaws are quite flawed… Can you imagine a One Use Power? Or even 3xp everytime you use if from Base Willpower Cost? Okay, we can (Johnny Storm’s Nova), but that’s a lot of XP for not a lot.

As any experienced player in the game will tell you though, there are a few flaws that are VERY worth it. Self-Only is the most prominent, as is the far less used Touch Only (when your clothes have to be included, such as for Phase Shift or a better version of Invisibility). But this character makes heavy use of the 3rd most commonly used, and even more interesting Flaw. Attached (Miracle/Skill).

To begin with, all you need is a basic power that lets you Transform into your Alternate Form. For Seraphim, he chose a “God Form”, an 8′ tall golden skinned humanoid, with long flowing locks of hair, and the perfect physique. The great thing about an Alternate Form, is you can easily get it down to a 1/2/4 cost through Self Only (-3) and some other flaws. So, for Seraphim, he can “Shift (Useful/Self)” into a form with an “Endless” duration, and when he has to do that, he will “Go Last”. 2+3-3-1 = 1/2/4.

Everything else attaches to the Alternate Form (-2 to all costs). Meet Seraphim:

A good defense is always very expensive, so let’s start there. Golden Skin, Defends (Base 2), +3 Endless, +3 Interference, -2 Attached to God Form, -1 Obvious (Golden Skin). We’re still at a 5/10/20 cost. Can’t go Self-Only on a defense, and he’s not willing to take more flaws. At 8HD, that will block pretty much anything. 80 Points because of God Form, saving 16 points.

Next up, when in God Form, he can shoot radiant blasts of energy which engulf every part of his target. Attacks (Base 2), Engulf (+2), Obvious (-1), Attached (-2). That’s a 1/2/4 cost, and with 3WD+7D, that should take out pretty much any target, with a 5-wide K+S attack to the head (and every other part of the body). Cost: 19 instead of 57.

Immunity is a good one, as it tends to be costly with a Variable Effect. Useful (Base 2), Variable (Base 4, -2 for If/Thens ‘only immunities’,’only Variable effect’ = 2), Endless (+3), Attached (-2), Self Only (-3). We end up with a 2/4/8. 2HD is usually enough, for 8 pts. Twice that without the Attached.

Now comes the problem with Stats, as he wants (in God Form) to go from being a 5d Body, to being a 10d Body +Booster. Any Extra has to be paid on the whole of the Body, but an ‘Attached’ flaw, should only be applied to the +5d non-Hyper. So, 5d Body = 25 +5 from Booster = 30. 5d HyperBody (Base 4) + Booster (+1) + Obvious (-1) + Attached (-2) = 4+1-1-2=2 * 5d = 10. 40 points total.

With only 4 points left over, we add +1wd to Stability. Seraphim, a god-like entity is born.

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