My Opposite Monster
Slurp, slurp—oh, there is my monster! My monster loves drinking his bottle, wearing body jewelry, and his crazy face. I can’t wait till you hear my story! When you finish my story you would want to read it again.
My opposite monster will do crazy things. For instance my monster is a boy and he likes wearing his bluest ribbon. He loves the color green so badly that he paints his face green. But the other parts of his body are already green and REALLY hairy.
He also likes the body jewelry except he doesn’t really know how to match up the earrings yet. He also got his tongue pierced without even asking!
My monster also likes drinking his bottle. Wherever he goes he always has his bottle with him. He likes his special ingredients but I can’t tell you.
Now that you read my story I hope you are not afraid of any monsters, especially my monster. Next time you hear something just think of my monster’s face, body jewelry and his bottle. And sometimes if you listen really closely you can still hear him say, “Slurp, slurp.”
Written and drawn by Christian M., Oak Mountain Intermediate School.
