When you’re done reading this you’ll wish you hadn’t. You’ll be as still as a stone. Have you ever been that still? His head, body and personality will make you shriek. Nice knowing you.
My monster’s got 13 heads. Only one has a horn. It has two eyes sticking out of other necks. It has heads sticking out of necks. The heads are as high as Mount Everest.
The monster has 12 horns on its side. It has five poison short spikes on its hide. It has no wings. Lava always falls from its body. Only six heads out of its body.
My monster is an evil backstabber. That is hated everywhere. He is a prideful, unfair monster. He is vicious. He is very crazy. He’s tremendously uncontrollable.
So this is why my monster is so vicious. I hope you got scared out of your wits. If you ever see this monster call 911, maybe he won’t get you. His heads, body and personality will paralyze you. Can you face him?
Written and drawn by Bradley E., Oak Mountain Intermediate School.
