Frenzy, Menzy, Grimzy, and Slimzy
Have you ever seen a monster with five eyes, curvy mouth, eyes and nose, and has killing necks and heads growing out of it? Well, you are about to hear about one. I have always been scared of monsters, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw mine. Now we are great friends, although she/he scares all of my friends. My monster has, as I told you, three killing heads and necks growing out of it. Their names are Menzy, Grimzy, and Slimzy. My monster’s fur is on fire. Don’t ask me how she/he survives, I don’t even know. Frenzy, Menzy, Grimzy and Slimzy can make a sound that sounds like this: “Argrarhsspoo!” Oh, if you are wondering why I write “she/he” that’s because Frenzy is a girl, Menzy is a girl, Grimzy is a boy and Slimzy is a boy.
First I will tell you about Frenzy’s body. Frenzy has killing necks and heads growing out of she/he. Their names are Menzy, Grimzy and Slimsy. All together Frenzy has five eyes! Also Frenzy has really curvy-like mouth, eyes and nose. She/he has gigantic claws. Frenzy also has mouse/bunny-like ears. She/he has green bendy antennas. Last, Frenzy has a blue body.
Now, I will tell you about Frenzy’s fur. Frenzy’s fur is on fire! Her/his fur is very spikey, though. Frenzy’s fur also has poison in it! Frenzy can live forever, but her/his fur disintigrates her/him after one thousand years. You know what? Frenzy doesn’t lay the eggs, the fur does!
Last, I will tell you how Frenzy, Menzy, Grimzy and Slimzy sound. Slimzy makes an “Arg” sound. Grimzy makes a “Rar” sound. Menzy makes a hiss sound. Last Frenzy says “Boo!” Frenzy, Menzy, Grimzy and Slimzy can all make a really loud low rumbling sound that sounds like this, “Argrarhissboo!”
So you can see how Frenzy can be fun to have around. You can scare away anybody who’s bothering you. Frenzy can also give you a real scare! I don’t think I’ll ever want to part with her/him, even if she/he can really scare me bad. Good thing I won’t live to be one thousand years old. A bad thing about Frenzy is that Menzy, Grimzy and Slimzy like to eat my homework! If you ever see Frenzy, trust me, you’ll never forget that meeting!
Written and drawn by Sarah M., Oak Mountain Intermediate School.
