The ‘King in Yellow’ Tarot Deck Offers Glorious Revelations

Now available from Arc Dream Publishing in print—a wicked deck of cards—and intangible, ephemeral PDF. The play The King in Yellow has haunted imaginations like a
delta green—the black company—godlike—and more
Now available from Arc Dream Publishing in print—a wicked deck of cards—and intangible, ephemeral PDF. The play The King in Yellow has haunted imaginations like a
“I’ve now finished reading Impossible Landscapes. It’s every bit as good as people have been telling me. A genuine work of art.”
Arc Dream Publishing’s Shane Ivey moderated a deep dive into the cloud-waves of Hali for the origins, evolution, and influence of Chambers’ haunting tales.
Recently Arc Dream Publishing was exhibiting at NecronomiCon in Providence, Rhode Island. In addition to running a few panels and participating or