Gen Con Indy returns to Indianapolis. Help us run games and spread the word of Arc Dream and Delta Green to new gamers. Sign up now and win our thanks and admiration, and more tangible rewards.

Key Dates for Gen Con Indy
- January 8: Gen Con Indy event submission begins
- January 30: Gen Con Indy badge registration begins
- February 12: Gen Con Indy early event submission closes
- March 12: Gen Con Indy event submission closes
- May 15: GM Badge & Hotel requests due
- May 21: Gen Con Indy event registration begins
- June 21: Late event submission closes
- August 3-6: Gen Con 2023
GM Rewards
FREE STUFF: For each game that you run at Gen Con 2023, you’ll get $20 credit at the Arc Dream Publishing online store. Run four games? Get $80 in store credit. If you prefer downloads, we can send PDFs worth the same amount via DriveThruRPG.
FREE BADGE: If you run three or more games for us at Gen Con 2023, you get a free Gen Con badge.
HOW TO QUALIFY: We must submit your Arc Dream games in Gen Con’s system for you to qualify for these rewards. If you submit Arc Dream-related games on your own, that’s great! But those won’t count toward these rewards.
GM Resources
Click here for tons of scenarios and pregenerated characters that make it easy to run our games.
Step 1: Get Vaccinated
If you have not been fully vaccinated against Covid when Gen Con begins in August, you DO NOT have our permission to run games on our behalf.
We can’t test you. We can’t ask for medical records that would suffice as proof. But we have never gone wrong by trusting our fans. We trust you now to do the right thing.
Step 2: Sign Up at Gen Con
Before you send us your event details, set up your account with Gen Con and make sure you know their policies.
- Read Gen Con’s Event Host Policy. It is a long read but critically important.
- Read Gen Con’s tips and hints for event hosts.
- Set up an account with Gen Con.
Do not register your Arc Dream events in Gen Con’s system. We’ll do that for you.
Step 3: Register Your Events With Arc Dream
Enter the data for each event in this form.
Step 4: Request Your Free Badge
If you run three or more events for us, you qualify for a free Gen Con GM badge courtesy of Arc Dream Publishing. Pick up your GM badge from our designated Handler. Details to be provided closer to GenCon.
If you obtain your own badge ahead of time, Gen Con will reimburse you once they issue your GM badge. See the Event Host Policy for details:
If you received a GM badge and already purchased an attendee badge, your attendee badge will automatically be refunded before fulfillment begins.
If for any reason your badge was not automatically refunded, you must bring your physical attendee badge to GM HQ by Thursday at the convention to request a refund. This will be processed once we return to the office after the convention.
Only paid, attendee badges (4-day, one day, VIG, VIG companion, etc.) are eligible for reimbursement. VIG and VIG companions are entitled to system credit only. Complimentary badges (such as from a promo pass or Trade Day package) or badges that provide special access (such as exhibitor or press) are not eligible for reimbursement.
Reimbursements are issued to whatever payment method was used to originally buy the badge. System credit will be returned to the appropriate account and any credit card purchased will be credited appropriately.
Gen Gon Event Host Policy
Step 5: Run Your Games
- Collect tickets from all players.
- Hand out pregenerated characters and other game materials. You are responsible for bringing those.
- Our on-site staff may provide you with promotional materials when you pick up your badge. Please give those to each player.
- Play the game!
Step 6: Photograph & Turn In Your Tickets
After the game, lay the players’ tickets out on the table and photograph them. Email the pic to with the subject “Gen Con 2023 Event #_____” and the event number. That confirms to us that the event went as expected and qualifies you for thank-you gifts.
Finally, turn in your players’ tickets at GM HQ. To save time, obtain an envelope for each event ahead of time and fill out event details. Then just write down the number of tickets and hand it in.
Step 7: Gifts!
Once we get your ticket photos, we will email you a gift certificate for the Arc Dream Publishing online store. Contact if you don’t hear from us within a couple of weeks of Gen Con.
Have Fun!
Gen Con gamers are amazing. Arc Dream Publishing is proud to be a Premier Event Group of many years’ standing. Whether you run games for us or sign up as a player, it is always a fantastic time.
Gen Con Online is our online convention program featuring gaming, entertainment, and lots of other types of events, plus a packed schedule of livestreaming content on Twitch, a vibrant community on Discord, and more!
Registration for a free Gen Con Online-only badge will begin on May 7.
Read the press release for more information.
Gen Con Online 2023 Event Registration will open at Noon (Eastern) on July 9, 2023. The Online Event Catalog will be published on June 30, 2023.
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