Updated 2017-03-08: We have changed our instructions and added a whole new set of GM rewards.
Attention GM’s!
We want you to run games for Arc Dream Publishing. We host lots of games at Gen Con — they’ve recognized us as a Premiere Event Group for years. As a volunteer GM you can get generous gifts from the Arc Dream booth, and maybe even a free Gen Con badge. We are happy to reward you for putting our games in front of players. Even your players get free swag from Arc Dream.
Check out these resources for running our games.
Deadlines and Policies
Gen Con 50 is right around the corner. If you’re planning to run Arc Dreams games, submit them ASAP.
If you are new to running games at GenCon and want to give it a try, check out their helpful tips and hints page.
You must read their Event Host Policy as well, which is a comprehensive guide to running events/games.
Before Gen Con
Set up your events with Gen Con and send us the details.
- Set up an account with Gen Con.
- Do not register your events in Gen Con’s system.
- Email your event details to Simeon here at Arc Dream (simeon.cogswell@gmail.com):
- your name
- your email address as it is registered with Gen Con
- game system
- date of the game
- time of the game
- title
- short description of the game
- maximum number of players (preferably five or six)
Our events fill up very quickly, so you can count on lots of players having a great time. The more GMs we get, the better.
What to Run
We want GMs for any and all of our games and settings. They’re listed here in order of priority, highest priority first, to help put our newest work in front of people.
- Godlike
- Wild Talents
- The Kerberos Club—via Wild Talents, Fate, Savage Worlds
- Monsters and Other Childish Things
- Reign
- A Dirty World
- Nemesis
What to Do at GenCon
- BEFORE YOUR EVENT: Come to the Arc Dream Publishing booth in the exhibit hall. We’ll give you supplies and/or promotional materials to give players at your event, such as maps to the booth and coupons they can redeem there.
- If your game is scheduled before the Exhibit Hall opens on Thursday, let us know ahead of time. We’ll give you the supplies Wednesday night or Thursday morning.
- AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH EVENT: Collect tickets from all players. Hand out pregenerated characters and other game materials.
- AT THE END OF EACH EVENT: Give the promotional stuff to each player, particularly their booth coupons.
- AFTER EACH EVENT: Bring the tickets to our booth.
BOOTH CREDIT—$5 PER PLAYER. After the game, come to our booth and tell us how many players participated and how it went. For each player who attended, you get $5 in “store credit” at the booth. The store credit must be used at the Arc Dream Publishing booth at Gen Con 50. If you turn in the tickets to GM HQ before bringing them to the booth, that’s OK. Just tell us how many players you had. We trust you.
You can also get these bonus Delta Green rewards if you run two or more games:
IF YOU RUN TWO GAMES: A Delta Green lapel pin or a Delta Green sew-on patch (3″ by 3″).

IF YOU RUN THREE GAMES: …and a Delta Green T-shirt or a Delta Green challenge coin.

IF YOU RUN THREE or FOUR GAMES: …and a FREE GEN CON BADGE. You need to run 3 games with 6 players OR 4 games with 5 players. Be sure to make arrangements with us ahead of time so we can confirm the badge will be mailed to you or waiting for you at the convention.
IF YOU RUN FIVE OR MORE GAMES: …and a bad-ass Delta Green raid jacket!
Any Questions?
If you have questions for Arc Dream about running games, send an email to Simeon Cogswell and we’ll get you sorted out.
3 thoughts on “Run Gen Con games for Arc Dream!”