If you read this, you will never read again! My monster is so scary! Everything about him will make you scream! He is so gruesome. I wouldn’t read this if I were you.
My monster’s heads have one eye on each head. He has bloody red teeth. One head is green and the other is blue. He has spit drooling from his mouth. He is very, very, very mad and evil!
My monster’s tattoos are an evil Superman tattoo, a mom tattoo with an arrow through it, a band tattoo that almost looks real, a sun tattoo that is so bright, and last but not least his University of Alabama tattoo because he’s an Alabama fan (he hates Auburn!).
My monster’s smell is so bad you would think the garbage dump smells like heaven. His breath is nasty! If you think you smell nasty about not taking a bath for a week then you should smell my monster. He is so disgusting that his shirt has holes in it.
Well now you know why my monster is so spooky. If you dare to meet him, come to my house! Your socks and shoes will fly off. If you come you will disappear in the moonlight. I wouldn’t come if I were you. You might see his tattoos and heads and smell his smell.
Written and drawn by George S., Oak Mountain Intermediate School.
