After you read this you will wish you had a monster like mine. Have you ever seen a monster? Maybe it was this one. I used to think there was a monster in my dresser drawer. There was, it was this one. You are not going to want to stop reading. You might leap out of your socks after you hear about this monster’s attitude, body, and his arms and legs.
My monster Spike is very strange, because he will be grumpy if you mess with him at all. And when he’s mad he turns evil and starts destroying everything. He’s sometimes sneaky. But this picture I drew was when he was very, very angry.
He is also very spiky when he’s angry. He has bright red eyes. And bright red fur. And also some very, very sharp teeth. He also has a little guy who lives on his head.
His arms and legs are also very strange. His arms are red. And his legs are green. But both of them have purple dots on them. He also has very small arms and on them he has claws. His legs are also short.
So now you know about my monster. I hope you got a scare out of this essay. So if you ever see him, what will you do? Will you be scared? Because you know his attitude is pretty grouchy. And his body is creepy and crawly. And his arms and legs aren’t very pretty either.
Written and drawn by Mary Beth Y., Oak Mountain Intermediate School.
