The Coldberg Monster
On a gloomy night in Coldberg you might run into the Coldberg monster. Ask the people in Coldberg and they will tell you about him. If you want to know about him, read this.
When you see some big brown hair and yellow eyes you know what it is. It has hair that is twisted and long. Its teeth are twisted in the front and dull in the back much like a human’s. Its head is much like a human’s, but with hair all over.
My dad knows what he sounds like. He yells at sunfall and can’t talk. He yells all the time. You know he’s coming when you hear crunching leaves and deep breathing.
On a dark road in a small town north of Birmingham the Coldberg Monster roams. If you go on the road at night you might see it. The monster lives in the woods of Coldberg. It never leaves its area in Colberg, Alabama. It is dangerous to ride on that road.
Whenever you are going to Coldberg you might want to think twice. You might not be in that much danger. For all I know it lives in the woods of Coldberg. Next time you see the Coldberg monster, run! I hope you never see him in all your life.
Written and drawn by Maddux M., Oak Mountain Intermediate School.
