Power Packages for ‘GODLIKE’

“For the last 30 years the world of science has examined the Talents and asked ‘How do they do it?’ I think
delta green—the black company—godlike—and more
“For the last 30 years the world of science has examined the Talents and asked ‘How do they do it?’ I think
Psychic powers in fiction fall into some broad, recognizable categories. You have the telepath who can read your mind and control your
Many super-heroes possess vehicles that exceed the abilities of normal equipment. These are built as Focus powers according to the sidebar on
Many heroes have the power to alter their forms, from a simple alter-ego switch like DC’s Captain Marvel to the full metamorphic
Not every superhero can stop a locomotive in its tracks or hurl bolts of energy. Some heroes are endowed with incredible mental
The brick is one of the simplest supers archetypes: very tough, very strong. With simplicity, though, comes an amount of freedom. Once
Superheroes whose powers are those of speed are staples of comic book universes, going all the way back to the Flash in