A Strange ‘Fate’ for ‘The Kerberos Club’

A couple of months ago I talked about the secret origins of The Kerberos Club, Benjamin Baugh’s 2009 Ennie Award-nominated setting of
delta green—the black company—godlike—and more
A couple of months ago I talked about the secret origins of The Kerberos Club, Benjamin Baugh’s 2009 Ennie Award-nominated setting of
Mike Olson (with tiny amounts of feedback from me as editor) wrote the “Strange FATE” rules engine that powers the FATE edition
(Cross-posted on spiritoftheblank.com.) Well! It certainly took longer to follow up that last post than I’d intended. I can blame the holidays,
By Mike Olson, (c) 2011. Cross-posted from Spirit of the Blank. If you followed the development of the FATE supers hack on
Sean Dunstan put together this handy reference sheet based on Mike Olson’s rules from The Kerberos Club (FATE Edition). Download it now
UPDATE (11 Aug. 2011): The Kerberos Club (FATE Edition) is now available IN PDF and IN PRINT WITH FREE PDF. The first
We’re about to have the FATE edition of The Kerberos Club ready to roll, and it needs proofreading for grammar and spelling