‘Delta Green: Presence’ Invades Shelves and Gamers

Presence is a complete scenario for Delta Green, the role-playing game of Lovecraftian horror and conspiracy. It is playable with the full
delta green—the black company—godlike—and more
Presence is a complete scenario for Delta Green, the role-playing game of Lovecraftian horror and conspiracy. It is playable with the full
“I’ve now finished reading Impossible Landscapes. It’s every bit as good as people have been telling me. A genuine work of art.”
Innocence Feeds Appalling Appetites. “Delta Green: Hourglass” reveals Hourglass, Oregon, and secrets that your Agents may wish they had never uncovered. But if they don’t seek the truth, who will?
The year 2018 is going out with a bang for agents of Delta Green. Vote for Shotgun Scenarios Superfans on the Delta
The Kickstarter for Delta Green: The Labyrinth has come and gone, but maybe you’re just hearing about it? Or maybe you didn’t have
Cosmic terror infects the U.S. government and the companies that profit from it. Delta Green: The Complex offers 19 new dossiers for
Are you still undecided on picking up The Unspeakable Oath’s first ever full-color issue? Here are a few previews of what’s inside:
With 6 days to go, the Delta Green: The Labyrinth Kickstarter is going strong, with many stretch goals unlocked! We’re still $13,000
We managed to harass Gen Con enough to let in 5 more games after the deadline for events! Jump in now before
Delta Green: The Labyrinth has just launched on Kickstarter Head that way and secure your pledge!
The nominations for the ENnies have been announced, and Delta Green has been honored with 7! Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game has been nominated
John Scott Tynes is back with new threats, new allies, new mysteries, and new terrors. Delta Green: The Labyrinth will take agents beyond the beltway
Agents, we’re fighting for humanity here with a Delta Green +2 Bundle of Holding! Specifically, Human Rights Watch. Ten percent of your payment (after
The Handler’s Guide and the slipcase set of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game have arrived. They will reach our warehouses in a week or two and
A lot of cool things are happening, if you always want to be up-to-date be sure to click on the “Sign up
Agents dying more quickly than you can roll them up? Of course they are. This PDF package includes 41 pre-written character sheets,
The Fall of Delta Green adapts Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game to Trail of Cthulhu, set throughout the blistering 1960s! We have added
We have confirmed with the printer that the slipcase set of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and the standalone hardback edition of Delta Green: Handler’s
We’re happy to announce Delta Green is the first RPG up on Kickstarter Drip! Kickstarter has—in no small way—made it possible for
We’ve seen several posts on our social media feeds over the last couple of weeks of people asking for advice for new