The ‘King in Yellow’ Tarot Deck Offers Glorious Revelations

Now available from Arc Dream Publishing in print—a wicked deck of cards—and intangible, ephemeral PDF. The play The King in Yellow has haunted imaginations like a
delta green—the black company—godlike—and more
Now available from Arc Dream Publishing in print—a wicked deck of cards—and intangible, ephemeral PDF. The play The King in Yellow has haunted imaginations like a
Arc Dream Presents: How to Game the Weird, a panel discussion on the ins and outs of designing and running a weird horror scenario. Moderator Daniel Harms leads a discussion with panelists Fiona Maeve Geist, Kenneth Hite, Shane Ivey, Badger McInnes, and Sandy Petersen.
Adam Scott Glancy, Daniel Harms, Kenneth Hite, and Shane Ivey banter about Delta Green at NecronomiCon Providence 2019.
Order The Unspeakable Oath 22 in print and get the PDF edition for a free instant download, or buy the PDF edition by itself. Arc Dream Publishing