More for THE NINTH LEGION: New Roman Society

We’re starting this week off with another look at the upcoming supplement for Reign, THE NINTH LEGION. This time we’ll be having
delta green—the black company—godlike—and more
We’re starting this week off with another look at the upcoming supplement for Reign, THE NINTH LEGION. This time we’ll be having
If you thought that Delta Green was the only thing we had in the works, fear not fans of ORE, because we have
‘The Ninth Legion’ is a setting sourcebook by Paul Mitchener (Age of Arthur, Blood of the Gods) for Greg Stolze’s roleplaying game
Agents of the Ninth In the Ninth Legion setting, (learn more about the Ninth Legion setting) the player characters play special agents
The Ninth Legion is a setting sourcebook by Paul Mitchener (Age of Arthur, Blood of the Gods) for Greg Stolze’s roleplaying game