Gen Con Online 2022 is an online convention from August 4–7, 2022.
- May 8: Gen Con Online badge registration begins
- May 22: Gen Con Online event submission opens
- June 19: Gen Con Online event submission closes
- July 10: Gen Con Online event registration opens
- August 4–7: Gen Con Online
We invite you to host Arc Dream’s games in Gen Con Online! We seek GMs to run Delta Green, our Swords & Sorceries adventures for D&D, Godlike, Wild Talents, Better Angels, Monsters and Other Childish Things, Puppetland—any of our games.
Going to Gen Con Indy in Indianapolis? Run games for us there.
Register Now
Requirements & Guidelines
Gen Con Online has a number of important rules and requirements that every host must follow. Read all of these documents before you submit events for Gen Con Online.
- Event Host Policy
- Tips for New GMs
- Third-Party Platforms
- Best Practices for Running Events Online
- Video: How to Run Events for Gen Con Online (note: we will submit your event on our end)
Gen Con Support
Our new Discord server for Gen Con Online is now open! Join us to get up to speed on all announcement and information for the show, and connect and hang out with attendees just like you!
If this is your first time using Discord, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This Discord guide on our website has everything you need to know about hanging out with your digital pals at Gen Con Online.
Here are some resources that should answer most common questions and issues:
- The Events Tome of Knowledge
- Hosting Events at Gen Con Online
- Discord Guide
- Gen Con Online Code of Conduct
For other questions, check out the #help-desk channel on Discord for the fastest assistance on general questions, and the #event-and-ticketing-help channel for questions about events! You can also email us at
- Discord: Arc Dream Online
- Gen Con GM Forum
- Sample event descriptions from prior years
- Recommended short scenarios:
- Last Things Last
- Night Visions
- Sweetness
- A Victim of the Art
- Shotgun Scenarios edited for The Unspeakable Oath 24 or The Unspeakable Oath 25
- Future Perfect 1, Future Perfect 2, or Kali Ghati if you aggressively keep things moving
Arc Dream’s Requirements
SEND US THE DATA. Use this form to send us your event details. We will collate them all and send them to Gen Con.
ANY PLATFORM. Use Gen Con Online’s guidelines and recommendations for which platform to use for your game.
NEWCOMERS WELCOME. If this is your first time running a game for Arc Dream, we are thrilled to meet you. Please find our communities (Discord, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter) to compare notes with experienced GMs and get tips for running the best possible online game.
ANY SCENARIO. You are welcome to run a scenario we publish or one of your own design. As long as it’s for an Arc Dream Publishing game.
SHORT SCENARIOS. Online games always take longer to play than in-person games. A scenario that can be finished in four hours in person may take six or more hours online. Plan your games accordingly. And pace your game accordingly once it starts. After every hour take a moment to review how far the players have gotten. Skip scenes or tasks if necessary to get them to the end for a satisfying conclusion.
FOUR PLAYERS. Please limit your event to no more than four players. These are online games. Limiting the table size reduces cross-talk and confusion and frustration.
FOUR HOURS. Allow four hours to run the game. It’s OK to wrap up early. In fact you should plan to wrap up early. That gives you flexibility to handle the inevitable delays of online play.
30 MINUTES EARLY. Show up for every event that you host at least 30 minutes before its start time. That allows you time to help players work out technical problems such as trouble with audio, video, and web browser compatibility.
THE DELTA GREEN Q&A. We will host a conference call with the Delta Green writing team. It is TENTATIVELY scheduled for Saturday night, August 6, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time. Join us live or watch the video afterward.
The more games you run, the greater the rewards.
- ONE GAME: $10 worth of PDFs or $10 in credit at the Arc Dream online store.
- TWO GAMES: $20 worth of PDFs or $20 in credit at the Arc Dream online store.
- THREE GAMES: $30 worth of PDFs or $30 in credit at the Arc Dream online store.
- FOUR GAMES: $40 worth of PDFs or $40 in credit at the Arc Dream online store.