The Kickstarter project for Delta Green: The Conspiracy is in its final week at 1,183% of its goal. The Conspiracy reworks the award-winning original publications for Delta Green, such as Countdown and Delta Green itself, in full-color, hardback volumes illustrated by Dennis Detwiller and converted by Caleb Stokes to the rules of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game.

- The Conspiracy
- “Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays”
- “Convergence”
- “A New Age”
- “Dead Letter”
- “A Night On Owlshead Mountain”
- The Millennium
- “Grace Under Pressure”
- The King in Yellow tarot
- The King in Yellow annotated, paperback edition, with a Yellow Sign clasp
- Machinations
- “Artifact Zero”
- “Holy War”
- Incursions
- Shotgun Scenarios
- Legacies
The next goal: Transcendence, a standalone, hardback volume presenting the sprawling and lurid Cult of Transcendence plus a scenario by Kenneth Hite.

Agents Worldwide Explore Impossible Landscapes
Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes is a massive campaign wherein Agents pursue and confront the forces of the King in Yellow. Or is it better to say they are themselves pursued and consumed? It has shipped to backers and preorder customers around the world. It is available from Arc Dream. Retailers and retail distributors can order it from Studio 2 Publishing.
Some gamers’ thoughts:

Jack Frost Comes to Town
Delta Green: Jack Frost sees the players as MAJESTIC scientists investigating lethal phenomena in a devastating storm. The horrors emerged in 1998. The effects reverberate timelessly. Available in PDF and paperback.

Delta Green Bundles Lure Newcomers
“Do you close your eyes to what you’ve seen and go back to sleep? Or do you come with this psycho burnout and do the impossible against the unbelievable and keep the future at bay for another day? What’s it going to be? In or out?
“Yeah? You dumb shit.”