Sneak Peek at Wrestlenomicon’s Willing Sacrifices

Thank you for your patience as our performers—I mean, our earth-devouring champions of entropy and conquest!—have been training and gathering their strength. 

The battle is nearly ready to begin. Only a few pieces are still coming into place: the bonus tome cards by John Kovalic and the customized “Willing Sacrifice” cultist cards by Kurt Komoda. 

We expect to have all bonus cards in hand and to send the production files to press by the end of July, another two weeks or so. Then we’ll have Wrestlenomicon in our warehouses in November and ship it to you, our fellows in insanity and unnatural dedication.

Willing Sacrifices to Hastur—a rough sketch by Kurt Komoda


And prepare yourselves, because Cthulhu and Hastur are comin’, and they’re bringing the apocalypse with ’em.

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