The Handler’s Guide and the slipcase set of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game have arrived. They will reach our warehouses in a week or two and begin shipping to backers worldwide.
You can review your rewards in BackerKit. If your rewards include the “Case Officer’s Handbook” in hardback, you will get a slipcase set including both the Agent’s Handbook and the Handler’s Guide.
A number of people have asked about buying just the slipcase, because they ordered the Agent’s Handbook and the Handler’s Guide separately. We will offer a limited number of the slipcases by themselves in June, after all the slipcase sets have been delivered to backers.
The Fall of Delta Green
The hardback edition of Pelgrane Press’ The Fall of Delta Green begins shipping to backers this week. Ken Hite and company did a great job adapting our work to Gumshoe and the Sixties. We can’t wait to see it in print.
A Night at the Opera
The hardback compilation A Night at the Opera is at press now. It is due in our warehouses in mid-July.
Dead Letter
The entire run of our online playtest of the scenario “Dead Letter” is now online. We played “Dead Letter” with author Adam Scott Glancy in late 1997 in AOL chatrooms. We have scraped together the complete transcripts. For a look at how Scott envisioned that scenario and ran Delta Green from the beginning, it does not get deeper than this.

The King in Yellow
Pre-orders continue on our deluxe edition of Robert W. Chambers’ The King in Yellow. This edition features illustrations by Samuel Araya, detailed annotations by Kenneth Hite, and an introduction by John Scott Tynes. Don’t miss Sam’s fascinating accounts of his process for illustrating these classic tales. His first report is available now. Another will come this week.
Gen Con
As predicted, all of our Gen Con 2018 games are sold out — even the massive, 50-player LARP, “Redefining Pi,” which will sprawl throughout Saturday afternoon! If you’re going to Gen Con and have not yet signed up to run games, get in touch. If you run three games for us, we will reimburse the cost of your badge. And you can tell how popular Delta Green is, so you can count on a full table of gamers having fun.
And if you could not get a ticket to join the LARP as a player but would like to be involved, its organizers want all the volunteers they can get to help make it better.
Either way, email shane@arcdream.com or simeon.cogswell@gmail.com
Origins Nods
Shane Ivey here and Dennis Detwiller are immensely proud to hear that a number of books that they worked on are up for Origins Awards this year: Arc Dream’s own Puppetland (by Delta Green co-creator John Scott Tynes), Cubicle 7’s Adventures in Middle-Earth (to which Shane contributed), and Monte Cook Games’ Cypher System books Predation and Expanded Worlds (which Dennis helped create). Those works join a fantastic slate of nominees from across the tabletop industry. Congratulations to all the nominees.