Voting is open for another day or two at the Delta Green Mailing List for the 2013 Shotgun Scenario Contest. The scenario that gets the most votes will be playtested, edited, and featured in an upcoming issue of The Unspeakable Oath. Scenarios and voting are anonymous.
A Shotgun Scenario is a short adventure meant to be playable in one game session, preferably brief. It’s a way to shotgun the cosmic terror and personal horror of the Delta Green conspiracy. It doesn’t necessarily feature shotguns. The Shotgun Scenario Contest was created and is still run by fans of Delta Green.

The seven Shotgun Scenarios for 2013 are:
- Spawn Toss. A hurricane drops something in Florida. 200 words.
- Black Lilith. A series of women act out in New York. 1150 words.
- Son of This. MI-13 talent recruiters are caught in the Egyptian revolt of 1919. 450 words.
- Secret Shopper. The decline of the brick-and-mortar book store is avenged on Black Friday. 1500 words.
- I Hate My Job. A man with a bomb takes a kindergarten class hostage in Seattle. 1500 words.
- Hoard. Incidents in and around the home of two compulsive hoarders in Pasadena. 1400 words.
- Standard Deviation. A meeting with a radio astronomer at a scientific conference. 1250 words.