If you’re planning to be at GenCon 2012 (August 16-19), please run a session (or two, or more) of one of our games! To sign up, send an email to shane.ivey@gmail.com.
We’re looking for GMs to run any of these games and settings:
- A Dirty World
- Better Angels
- Call of Cthulhu (specifically adventures from The Unspeakable Oath)
- Delta Green (any game system)
- eCollapse (Wild Talents)
- Godlike
- Grim War (Wild Talents)
- The Kerberos Club (Wild Talents, Savage Worlds, or FATE)
- Monsters and Other Childish Things
- Progenitor (Wild Talents)
- Reign
- This Favored Land (Wild Talents)
- Trail of Cthulhu (specifically adventures from The Unspeakable Oath)
- Wild Talents (the World Gone Mad or any of the other settings)
Either we can register the game or you can register it yourself. If you send us the details and let us register the game, it gives us a slightly higher profile and helps ensure that the games all sell out. But games that you register yourself also qualify for this program.
Click here to register for yourself.
If you run one of those games and it’s listed in the GenCon system, you can get “store credit” at the Arc Dream booth. That means free stuff! Here are the requirements.

- It must be one of the games from the list.
- It must be registered in the GenCon system, whether you register it or we do.
- You can run your own material or one of our published scenarios. Bear in mind that the players must be able to complete it within that one session.
- Before you run a session, you must come to the Arc Dream booth in the exhibit hall and pick up a packet of handouts and coupons to give to the players.
- You must collect tickets from each player at each game.
- After the game, give the tickets to our booth staff in the exhibit hall.
- For each game-specific ticket (or equivalent in generic tickets) that you turn in from your registered game, we’ll give you $5 in “store credit” at the Arc Dream booth.
- We may come up with other requests and requirements later if we think of them.
If you would like for us to put your game in the system, please get in touch with me right away. I need details on what you’re going to run, including a short summary of what the adventure is about. The deadline is March 12, 2012.
If you’re putting your own event into the system, GenCon’s deadline is March 19.
If you have any questions, please email shane.ivey@gmail.com.
Thanks — and see you at GenCon!