From November 25th to November 30th — Black Friday to, um, slightly less black Wednesday — get 25% off ALL PRODUCTS in the online store.
Enter the code “amanda” during checkout when it asks if you have a coupon.
Have we reminded you lately that with most of our games you get the PDF free when you order the print edition? Because with most of our games — get this — if you order it in print you get the PDF absolutely free. We’ve reminded you of that, right?
A special note for those of you who got Delta Green: Through a Glass, Darkly in its fundraiser or who ordered it recently: 25% of the book would be worth about $6 off, and we don’t want you to feel like you could have done better by waiting. So if you order something in the Black Friday sale, send email to and we’ll set you up with a separate coupon worth $12 (twice the difference!) after the sale.
Click the pile of money to order now.

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