We screwed up and listed the wrong ISBN in the frontmatter for the hardcover edition of Delta Green: Through a Glass, Darkly.
The paperback, when it comes out, will have its own ISBN.
Here’s a summary of the correct ISBNs for Delta Green: Through a Glass, Darkly:
- Electronic edition: 978-0-9832313-6-3
- Hardcover limited edition: 978-0-9832313-4-9
- Paperback mass market edition: 978-0-9832313-5-6
The hardcover limited edition of Through a Glass, Darkly is mainly going straight to consumers and relatively few copies are going to stores, this won’t matter to most readers.
If you need to make sure the correct ISBN is listed in the book, please email met at shane.ivey@gmail.com, tell me how many copies you need to correct and give me your mailing address, and I will mail you stickers to place in the frontmatter over the wrong ISBN.
Thanks, and I apologize for the trouble.
Shane Ivey
Arc Dream Publishing